
Send and receive files directly, with ease.

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A new Station307

Maybe frequent users already noticed - Station307 has received its first major overhaul in 8 years! In this major rewrite some long standing pain points have been resolved and new features are introduced. Specifically :

  • Major performance and stability improvements
  • Improved security by using asymmetric channel tokens
  • Ability to initiate receiving files in the terminal (see below!)
  • Ability to send to multiple receivers at once transparently
  • Addition of QR codes in terminals to quickly send/receive to handheld devices
  • Improved resiliency by persisting channels (tokens) across server restarts

The core features of Station307 remains unchanged. There are no size limits, transfers are secure and instant, and we never store your files.

If you are a Station307 user and encounter a bug, or have general feedback on these changes, please drop us an email at [email protected].

Station307 features

  • No size limit!
  • Send & receive files directly
  • A completely free service
  • Files are never stored on the server
  • Secure transportation of your data
  • File hosting ends when the browser tab is closed
  • Terminal friendly
  • Mobile friendly

Stay in touch

Want to keep up with the latest? Follow @station307 on Twitter! If you have any suggestions or questions you can also contact us at [email protected].

Use Station307 to send and receive files from your terminal

Sending files
Sending a file with cURL
curl -T <myfile> -s -L -D - | grep human
Sending a file with Wget
wget --post-file <myfile> -S -o - | grep human

cURL and Wget won't stop by themselves - to stop hosting your file, simply press CTRL+C.

Receiving files
Receiving a file with cURL
curl -s -J -O -L -D - | grep human
Receiving a file with Wget
wget --content-disposition -S -o - | grep human

For more tricks with the terminal (like streaming log files!) have a look at the recipes.

Drop your file to share it


Scan the QR code to download the file
